Enhanced "Ask UCPath" Site Launches Next Week

April 13, 2023

UCPath is launching the enhanced "Ask UCPath" site on Monday, April 17, 2023. The improved design provides users with quick search options and easy access to self-service resources. The improvements include a new page for transactors with "Submit an Inquiry on Behalf of Employee" (SOBO) access that streamlines access to existing cases.

Please watch the Ask UCPath Overview video for helpful information about the updated site.

All employees will experience the following changes:

  • A redesigned Ask UCPath site with a new look and feel
  • Readily accessible "trending topics" that will be updated throughout the year
  • "Other Resources" page with links to the benefits billing portal, benefits deduction calendar, payroll calendar and salary overpayment portal
  • FAQ section that is regularly updated with frequently searched content

Training Resources:

Additional training resources will be available on the UCPath Help site on April 17.