UCPath implemented changes related to the Gender Recognition & Lived Name Policy on June 20, 2023
The changes for employees and managers are as follows:
Employee Self-Service:
- A new “Name” field will replace the current “Preferred Name” field, and employees will have the ability to add a self-chosen name to the updated field.
- The “Name” field will automatically display the employee’s self-chosen name if available, or Legal Name if a self-chosen name was not
- Self-chosen names will be visible in UCPath and throughout employee and manager self-service.
- UCPath will only display Legal Name in required documents, such as pay statements and W-2 forms.
Manager Self-Service:
- UCPath will now display the employee’s self-chosen name instead of their legal name
You can review a short video of the change: Lived Name - What to Expect for Managers & Employees
If you have any questions, please contact ucpathhelp@ucsc.edu.